Psychic Wounds

Ru LuckiPsychology & Paradepression Leave a Comment

Part 7 in a series of 10

Just like physical wounds, psychic wounds need care and patience to heal.

Just like physical wounds, most psychic wounds are superficial and heal independently without effort, but some go very deep, requiring extensive attention. These wounds speak to the profound sadness of life. They echo thousands of years of human frailty and fallibility.

The body and mind rely on a balanced flow of chi to thrive. When psychic wounds fester, chi pools at specific body points that become heated and inflamed while opposing angles are cold and cut off from the energy flow. If left unchecked too long, deterioration of physical and mental health is a result.

Psychic attacks can take the form of physical, mental, or emotional aggression. However, a psychic attack does not need to involve violence or words. An invisible assault can come from another that seethes with hatred, but the target feels it, nonetheless.

Incursion can also come from interdimensional beings seeking to undermine people’s thoughts, akin to hackers that break into computers. Our brains are antennae. Mindlessly tuning into a lousy interdimensional station leaves one vulnerable. Intentionally tuning in to a higher frequency by seeking inspirational input protects the mind from attacks that inflict wounds in the form of disturbing thoughts, feelings, and urges, but it takes effort.

Some wounds are ongoing irritations, foreign debris in the auric body, such as thorns. Objects can be extracted with psychic surgery, a form of energy work that reaches into the energetic body, removing the irritant, then spiritually “cauterizing” the wound with light, protecting the susceptible area from further harm.

For the traumas that leave heavy scarring, one may feel like they are “damaged goods,” unable to love correctly or be loved. It can understandably take lifetimes to let go of received treachery, but there is every reason to work through it. Otherwise, it stains our lenses of how we perceive life, and we are unable to see anything clearly. This can cause emotional instability, stunted emotional growth, distrust, and an inability to bond or cocreate healthy relationships.

Holding onto pain for so long allows it to solidify, eventually becoming a disease. Likewise, it can cause us to hold on tighter to love in fear of giving and being hurt. Love is meant to grow exponentially. Holding back love due to fear can encourage certain cancers, when the body’s cells grow uncontrollably and spread, when the love should be easily expressed, spreading to the greater world.

Some wounds from past lives go unresolved until we share future lives with the responsible party present in the memory. There are more lessons to be hashed out, debts to be paid. The wound’s impact on one’s current life can be diminished through healing practices.

Forgiveness is the best way to heal. We can forgive without forgetting. We can decide not to allow an aggressor back into our space. Many are not capable of love in a way that we hope or imagine. In forgiveness, we can begin to see people for who they are, not what we wish them to be, releasing the pain from our energy field.

Sometimes, that forgiveness needs to be extended to ourselves when we carry deep guilt and regret. Often, we punish ourselves thoroughly through unconscious self-sabotage. Constantly beating yourself up for something has never made it better, yet it is easier than finding a way to harness energy to find a way to bring something beneficial to the world, in an effort to find a reason to love the self once more.

It’s only our quality of life that is at stake if we ignore our wounds.

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