Reincarnation: Animal Souls

Ru LuckiPsychology & Paradepression Leave a Comment

Part 8 in a series of 10

Reliable stewardship is the standard measure for advanced life

Several soul-types were not intended for reincarnation as humans but have been reincarnated as such nonetheless. These spirits have one thing in common – it’s very lonely and challenging to be a part of a population that doesn’t understand you.

Dolash, human incarnates from animal souls, had their lives and reincarnation cycles destroyed by human overpopulation. With too few animals being born, the spirits are forced to incarnate as humans. Unwilling to conform to societal codes of conduct, they are rebellious and occasionally lawless.

Governments never protected their species from cruelty, endangerment, and extinction. Some animals were confined, experimented on. Some were killed for fur, sport, or amusement. Many permanently lost their habitats. They watched their mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, children, and life-long mates brutally murdered. Countless others waited fruitlessly for their loved ones to return home. Their love is no less fierce, no less pure, than peoples.


Every day, humans create more Dolash by killing more animals and their habitats while lamenting the decline of civility in society, never making the connection. Too many people believe the gross misdeeds against the innocent will go unaccounted for, that souls of animals ceased to exist upon death, end of story, or perhaps they never thought about it at all.

Being human is a hard blow to the Dolash. They now have Paraselves, having lost the concentrated consciousness that grants direct access to the spirit world. This colossal loss can take lifetimes to overcome as they learn to integrate spirituality into their lives consciously.

Dolash are prone to rage, anxiety, depression, and hopelessness. They keep bent both ears towards conspiracy theories against a government and society that was never held meaningfully accountable for atrocities to their kind. Some are diagnosed with ADHD due to their restless nature and inability to conform to human standards of attention.

They are intuitive, brave, and loyal to those that earn their trust. Injustice compels them; the fury of slaughter is never far from their psyche. With a wild rage, they seek to undo the structures of humans. People see them as animals, even call them animals.

They are less likely to seek professional assistance for adverse emotional states. They are often “common people” that have been repeatedly dismissed and underestimated. Some find it challenging to gain monetary success, which is not a priority in an animal’s soul. It takes several lifetimes spanning centuries to navigate the material world of humans for most non-human souls.

Many would return to the animal kingdom if given a chance. Most spirits choose to become human on their own terms, if at all. While the Dolash are here, we must ensure their basic needs are met, but not unconditionally. They must not burn down the world to spite humans, or there will be no more world left for anyone or anything.

The plight of the Dolash is a complex issue. When everything you love has been casually destroyed, it takes a few lifetimes to learn how to manage the indignation. They must realize that working for the common good supports their evolution, too – a tall order when humans constantly inhibit progress for the environment’s well-being.

A healthy way forward would be to restore the Kingdom of Animals while not mistaking them for inferior creatures. In the last 50 years, humanity has intolerably wiped out over 60% of mammals, birds, fish, and reptiles. The spiritual connection of the Kingdom of Animals is a requirement to maintain a livable equilibrium. The whole world suffers from the decline of that spiritual connection.

These souls demonstrate the relentless repercussions for upsetting the natural balance of nature. The consequences of such human recklessness do not always manifest in expected ways. The Dolash will be reborn again. And again. Let’s give them the option to return home to nature if they so desire.

It is time to protect wildlife and environments above all else.

To fail or succeed at this will determine human destiny.

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