Para-Physics of the Multiverse

TCI StaffIn a Nutshell Leave a Comment

The Multiverse in a Nutshell

The Cosmic Inquirer Staff
Part 2 in a series of 5

The Basics of Para-Physics

All matter is comprised of atoms. Suppose there is a wall; when there is no one to observe that wall, it’s in the form of waves. However, when the wall is observed, those atoms park in space as particles. Just by looking at something, it becomes matter in that instance. If there are no longer any witnesses to a parallel, the parallel “does not matter” anymore; it ceases to exist.

Per the observer effect of wave-particle duality, waves become particles when an observer perceives an object.

To an atom, here and there are the same. Complex groups of atoms exist in multiple places at once, unbound by the laws of classical mechanics. Those same atoms can be coaxed to a destination, with some of the most advanced programming this universe has ever beheld, altering physical reality for trillions across the universe.

The Multiverse program employs quantum entanglement, unifying multiple particles in such a way that the state of one particle instantaneously influences another, regardless of the illusion of distance separating them. Utilizing controlled superposition, particles are directed to simultaneously relocate in multiple positions and states at the same time. The effectively “exist” in the same place, within a web that connects all life.

The brain is a macrocosm of quantum entanglement, reacting in a very congruent way as it responds to both outside and inner stimulus that derives from our local environments, and the greater Multiverse, and the Universe. They are called parallels because of their similarities, though some are geometrically opposed to our current situation, and others might form a trine. Lessons and loves can complement or challenge us, but they are all a part of the same broader experience.

People are matter, made up of atoms. The nucleus of each atom in a being contains a code that corresponds with one’s life-path contract. That code determines if one is born with a divided or concentrated consciousness. It is a directive for atoms to vibrate at a specific frequency to communicate to the universe the parameters and specifications of one’s programmed reality, enabling both the abilities and limitations of the mind and body.

Multiverse beings have a lower vibration or code that grounds them to a denser reality that exists in multiple parallels simultaneously. A higher vibration is the key, or number sequence, that unlocks concentrated consciousness, gifting higher levels of awareness and comprehensive interaction with the physical world.

Atoms can also teleport, enabling high-vibration beings such as angels to shuffle between dimensions and parallels instantaneously. They can move through time and space as naturally as a human can walk down the street.


How many Parallels are there?

The Multiverse is akin to an ocean, and the parallels are distinct waves. Too large to even fathom, the multiverse can no more be quantified by the brain than can the ocean be captured in ones’ hands. The ever-shifting paras are expressed in degrees. Each degree employs an influence from surrounding planets in the solar system.

A Field of Focus Chart (figure 1) demonstrates the fields of experience influenced by space objects that generate the diversity of parallels. Every degree differs in intensity and grade.

Example: In the 1st paradomas, or field of focus, the reality centers on individual development. The cusp of 1° is focused on the mysterious inner life, influenced by the subconscious of the 12th paradomas. The cusp of 30° is outwardly focused on one’s place in the world, influenced by the 2nd paradomas. However, both 1° and 30° are on the spectrum of parallels where self-development is the foundation of reality. The apex of 15° manifests a pure focus of self-development, a perfect union of the inner and outer self. Coincidentally, this parallel is 27.0603°, with a focus on the self in the material world.

1st1° – 30 °    Beginnings & the Self
2nd31° – 60 °    Possessions & Resources
3rd61° – 90 °    Communication & Thought
4th91° – 120 °    Roots & Security
5th121° – 150 °    Pleasure, Creativity & Romance
6th151° – 180 °    Health, Routine & Service
7th181° – 210 °    Justice & Partnerships – Personal & Legal
8th211° – 240 °    Transformation & Death
9th241° – 270 °    Philosophy & Travel
10th270° – 300°    Career, Reputation & Destiny
11th300° – 330 °    Community & Technology
12th331° – 360 °    Subconscious, Spirituality, Magic & the Hidden

Planetary Influences

Within 360 ° of the paradomas are the continually revolving influences of planets and dwarf planets. Asteroids, moons, and other space objects also impact individual parallels, allowing for ever-shifting nuances of reality.

Each para-degree embodies a separate parallel. The relative locations of the parallels to the planets shift one small degree at a time. The archetypal metaphysical properties of all space objects are expressed through every waxing and waning paradomial paradigm, creating a veritable wealth of altered reality variations.

Below is a list of the planetary influences that affect all parallels in the infinite ebb and flow of orbital aspects.


Qualities -
Abundance & Spiritual Appetite

Negative Consequences -

Fun Fact -
Ceres strongly advises that good health is a result of a healthy planetary environment.

Qualities -
Stability & Industriousness

Negative Consequences -

Fun Fact -
Humans Current Home. Previously a Galactic Prison.

Qualities -
The "Left Out" & Rebellious

Negative Consequences -

Fun Fact -
The Science and Technology Archives of the solar system are stored and guarded here.

Qualities -
Breakthroughs, Trials & Errors

Negative Consequences -

Fun Fact -
A dwarf planet of exile for destructive beings of concentrated consciousness unable to control their emotions.

Qualities -
The Unseen, Potential & The Unmanifest

Negative Consequences -

Fun Fact -
A cousin of Tiamat, urging reverence for the Magic of Breath, the Spark of Life, the Ever, and Upwards.

Qualities -
Sociopathic Action & Second Chances

Negative Consequences -

Fun Fact -
This is the dark place where monsters come from, challenging the values of justice, mercy, forgiveness, redemption, and humanity.

Qualities -
Expansiveness & Luck

Negative Consequences -

Fun Fact -
Protector of the Inner solar system. Vacuuming most incoming debris, continually accumulating more.

Qualities -
Tribe, Relating & Humor

Negative Consequences -
Verbal Manipulation

Fun Fact -
Conspiracies are whispered from this planet into the ears of the eager. Remember, not all conspiracy theories are wrong.

Qualities -
Initiative & Conflict

Negative Consequences -
Aggression & War

Fun Fact -
Extensive Active Base for Millions of Years. Oversees War in our solar system.

Qualities -
Reason & Communication

Negative Consequences -
Aspersion & Deceit

Fun Fact -
The Fox cleverly escaped to Earth from Mercury before it became uninhabitable in our parallel.

Qualities -
Creativity, Mysticism & Illusion

Negative Consequences -

Fun Fact -
Home to Silver Unicorns & other magical creatures that escaped the Earth Purge approximately 13,000 years ago.

Qualities -
Curiosity & Independent Thought

Negative Consequences -
Broken Promises & Blame

Fun Fact -
Every Promise ever made takes on a life of its own, living on Orcus until it is resolved or broken. Promises are cashed out after death as credits or debts towards the next life.

Qualities -
Power & Unconscious Urge

Negative Consequences -

Fun Fact -
Humans have tried to repress their own subconscious by demoting this planet, causing more domination and power struggles.

Qualities -
New Perspective & Harmonious Revolution

Negative Consequences -
Doom Sayers

Fun Fact -
The only Futurescope, a telescope that can see into the future of our Solar System, exists here.

Qualities -
Abundance & Spiritual Appetite

Negative Consequences -
Selfishness & Rigidity

Fun Fact -
Headquarters of the Moral Authority for the solar system in every parallel.

Qualities -
Sudden Illness, Severe Trauma & Breakage of Trust

Negative Consequences -

Fun Fact -
This planet sends out a message via radio wave that repeats, "Keep your Heart Open in Hell."

Qualities -
Magic & Alchemy

Negative Consequences -
Dark Magic

Fun Fact -
Destroyed in Great War, Tiamat was the Planet of Magic, which is why there is so little magic visible on Earth.

Qualities -
Originality & Revolution

Negative Consequences -

Fun Fact -
Home to the Lightening Beings that occasionally visit Earth. Lightening Beings are bringers of omens.

Qualities -
Immortality via Talent, Fame & Reputation

Negative Consequences -

Fun Fact -
Varunians are Entertainers with a tendency to consider themselves as the justifiably elite.

Qualities -
Pleasure & Beauty

Negative Consequences -

Fun Fact -
Home to the Imps that can cause people to fall in love, usually for their own selfish entertainment. Some people are more susceptible than others.

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