Reincarnation: Alien Souls

Ru LuckiPsychology & Paradepression Leave a Comment

Part 10 in a series of 10 While it’s lonely to be an alien spirit in human society, these spirits focus on leading humanity. Established 25,000 years ago, the Law of Succumbence sought to address galactic imperialists as they supplanted local governments and stripped worlds of resources. Undeterred by the campaign of the Peace Force to thwart imperialism, their reign of …

Reincarnation: Plant Souls

Ru LuckiPsychology & Paradepression Leave a Comment

Part 9 in a series of 10 Plant Reincarnation leaves souls with a deep longing for peace Cases of plant spirit reincarnation into human form are increasingly common. The Inguili are among the most reluctant humans. The order usually dictates that, upon death, plant life stay within the realm of the natural world and default to an animal incarnation when necessary, …

Reincarnation: Animal Souls

Ru LuckiPsychology & Paradepression Leave a Comment

Part 8 in a series of 10 Reliable stewardship is the standard measure for advanced life Several soul-types were not intended for reincarnation as humans but have been reincarnated as such nonetheless. These spirits have one thing in common – it’s very lonely and challenging to be a part of a population that doesn’t understand you. Dolash, human incarnates from …

Psychic Wounds

Ru LuckiPsychology & Paradepression Leave a Comment

Part 7 in a series of 10 Just like physical wounds, psychic wounds need care and patience to heal. Just like physical wounds, most psychic wounds are superficial and heal independently without effort, but some go very deep, requiring extensive attention. These wounds speak to the profound sadness of life. They echo thousands of years of human frailty and fallibility. …

Psychic Parasites

Ru LuckiPsychology & Paradepression Leave a Comment

Part 6 in a series of 10 The practice of firm boundaries is essential to spiritual, physical, and mental health. Evil comes uninvited because it has no respect. Weak personal boundaries attract psychic parasites. They feed off the lifeforce of a host’s energetic body, draining them of energy, health, and optimism. The host usually harbors a fear that there is …


Ru LuckiPsychology & Paradepression Leave a Comment

Part 5 in a series of 10 Know thy Many Selves. The purpose of the Multiverse is to expedite personal evolution by assimilating many experiences at once. Paraselves, our other selves in different parallels, simultaneously experience life in the Multiverse. Paraselves share one auric energy field and subconscious. Think of the mind as a computer. The subconscious is always running …

Karmic Debt

Ru LuckiPsychology & Paradepression Leave a Comment

Part 4 in a series of 10 The Office of Debts is dedicated to Justice, Evolution, and Compassion. Karmic Debts occur when our actions, or lack thereof, cause suffering and interfere with the lessons and life path of others. The main categories for debts are as follows: The Office of Debts, a branch of the Ministry of Justice in the Between, …

Suicide Reincarnation

Ru LuckiPsychology & Paradepression Leave a Comment

Part 3 in a series of 10 The Darkness will always encourage isolation, doubt, pain, and fear. When one chooses life, hope ripples through the hearts of all beings. It is a powerful magick. People who commit suicide, the golings, are bathed in restorative light upon death, as all are once death calls, minus the genuinely evil. Once they get …

Past Life Trauma

Ru LuckiPsychology & Paradepression Leave a Comment

Part 2 in a series of 10 Death isn’t the end. This isn’t the first or last life. Know Thyself – a little deeper. We have all had countless past lives. Most are challenging and full of suffering, oppression, betrayals, inequity, loss, and costly mistakes, not to mention horrific deaths. Once death occurs and we move on to the Between, we …

The Depression Paradox

Ru LuckiPsychology & Paradepression Leave a Comment

Part 1 in a series of 10 See Yourself in a New Light. The Unseen Forces that Explain the Inexplicable If we can fathom what fuels our drives and urges, we can take steps towards self-empowerment. When “truths” told to us about ourselves do not fully resonate, the path towards healing feels futile. In the quest for enlightenment, resistance is …